I would love to review children and middle grade books, indie (mom taught me this term and says it means the book is published by the writer or by a small publishing house instead of a large one) or traditionally-published. I will talk about what I love about the book and what I didn't really like. I also post my reviews on Amazon and GoodReads, and Smashwords if you provide a code for me to read it there.
Rating System:
♥♥♥♥♥ LOVED IT! Mom probably had to make me put it down to go to sleep.
♥♥♥♥ It was REALLY good. There may have been one or two things I didn't like.
♥♥♥ I liked it. Not my favorite, but I'd still recommend it to my friends.
♥♥ I don't think I'd read it again. I probably wouldn't recommend it either.
♥ I didn't care for this book at all. It wasn't for me.